
Dividend Policy

CJ ENM carries a residual dividend policy and capitalizes to shareholders using the remaining funds, with a primary focus on bolstering continuous business growth and competitiveness in a fast changing business environment. Total dividend and the dividend payout ratio are determined based on our surplus cash flow and profit stability.

CJ ENM will be attentive to shareholders' voice, and make best effort for transparency in business management.

Dividend History

Classification 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Par Value (KRW) 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Net Income (KRW Mn) (176,815) (176,815) 227,562 65,630 58,616
Net Income Attributable to the Shareholders of the Parent Company (KRW Mn) (315,882) (120,083) 193,450 56,926 104,247
Earnings per Share (KRW) (14,405) (5,476) 8,822 2,596 5,310
Total Cash Dividend (KRW Mn) - - 43,532 33,167 27,488
Cash Dividend per Share (KRW) - - 2,100 1,600 1,400
Cash Dividend Payout Ratio (%) - - 22.5 58.3 26.4
Cash Dividend Yield Rate (%) - - 1.5 1.2 0.9

※ Based on Consolidated Audit Report.

※ Earnings per Share is calculated based on common stock earnings per share divided by weighted average of distributed common stock excluding treasury stock.